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Helping Successful People Make Smart Decisions About Money

We are a fee-only Registered Investment Advisory firm with offices in Raleigh and Charlotte.

Our team provides comprehensive financial planning, retirement planning, tax planning and investment management services. Our clients include physicians, business executives, college athletic coaches and those at or near retirement.

Founded by Mike Palmer in 2015, Ark Royal Wealth Management always serves you in a fiduciary capacity. We are never compensated by commissions which ensures you get independent and objective advice.  

The financial advisory landscape can be confusing to navigate. Understanding the differences between an advisor who seems to be reputable and one who ONLY works in a fiduciary capacity and NEVER takes commissions (fee-only) is difficult.

We have an experienced team of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERS (CFP®) who ALWAYS serve our clients as fee-only fiduciaries. We partner with you to create a financial plan that is both durable (capable of withstanding markets that can’t be consistently predicted nor timed) and flexible (capable of adapting to life’s unpredictable events).

We view our client relationships as long-term partnerships. Our team works with you to:

  • Create a financial plan that achieves your goals

  • Monitors and updates the plan with periodic reviews of your progress

  • Navigate the plan when the unexpected happens – because life can be unpredictable

Explore each of our services for detailed information about how we can help you and what makes our approach different.

Financial Planning: We develop a financial plan specifically tailored for you. Our work helps you build a secure retirement and summarizes cash flow while working and in retirement to help ensure you will not out live your money.

Tax Planning: We all want to pay less tax. Our tax planning software helps analyze strategies such as bunching itemized deductions, backdoor Roth IRA funding, or partial Roth conversions to help you keep more of your money.  

Investment Management: We use evidence-based investment strategies that are rigorously researched to reduce risk and improve returns. Our investment approach uses low- cost investment solutions.

Executive Compensation: Are you optimizing your equity (RSUs, stock options) and deferred compensation packages? These should be analyzed as part of the totality of your total wealth picture, not on a stand alone basis.

Consultants & Self-Employed Business Owners: Specialized planning for business owners to maximize wealth creation and minimize taxes. Mega backdoor Roth 401ks are a great avenue to accumulate wealth.   

Trustee Services: Trusted oversight and management of assets to safeguard your legacy.

We promise all our clients transparent and clear information on pricing to help you make informed decisions about your financial future. Read more about how we make money and why we chose to be fee-only.

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